Joe Jobe
Sustainable Advanced Biofuel Refiners (SABR) is a coalition of stakeholders that have invested in building out America’s first advanced biofuel—biodiesel.
Aug 7, 2023
Joe Jobe
The agency has acknowledged it uses a flawed equivalence value for renewable diesel fuels, but the final rule reaffirms this faulty modeling that credits fossil-fuel greenhouse-gas emissions and results in higher costs to consumers.
Shah Parag, More Amol, Jobe Joe
A paper determining the EVs of biodiesel, renewable diesel and SAF using EPA’s formula and using two different approaches to account for renewable energy content fraction in these fuels.
Feb 10, 2023
Small Advanced Biofuel Refiners Coalition
The U.S. biodiesel industry has been able to withstand numerous market distortions and threats to its existence. Today, current federal and state policies have inadvertently diverted incentives away from small businesses to a handful of large petroleum refiners who are leveraging them to convert petroleum refineries to renewable...
Jan 10, 2023
Testimony of Joe Jobe, Small Advanced Biofuel Refiners (SABR) - Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program: Standards for 2023–2025 and Other Changes | EPA Public Hearing
Joe Jobe
SABR was formed to address inadvertent policy flaws caused by the disparate treatment of biodiesel and renewable diesel in the biomass-based diesel category, which disadvantages biodiesel even though it is the lower cost, lower carbon fuel...
Feb 21, 2022
Ron Kotrba
More than a dozen U.S. biodiesel producers are petitioning EPA to not only dramatically increase volumes of advanced biofuels and biomass-based diesel under the federal Renewable Fuel Standard, but also to provide...